Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tmobile G2 Problems : Come With Half Internal Storage And Loose Hinges

Tmobile G2 Problem

Tmobile G2 Problems

Tmobile G2 now shipping to customers,like any major phone,report of bugs and hardware problems are reported in the first day of kick-off day.2 bigger Tmobile G2 complaints are internal storage and loose hinges ; Some Tmobile G2 shipping with half the promised internal storage.Tmobile G2 should coming with 4GB internal storage but internal storage in some Tmobile G2 are showing up only 2GB which just happened with HTC Desire Z. Secondly,some of Tmobile G2 are shipping with loose hinges.If you holding Tmobile G2 upside down (like a picture above) the screen will hang down,moreover if you holding Tmobile G2 at some angle the looose hinge will both snap shut and open.For loose hinge problem in Tmobile G2 still not a major problem since Tmobile G2 owner don't use their phone upside down,for internal storage problem - i'm not sure how that happens but if it's Tmobile's mistake,they should recall Tmobile G2 back or offer larger microSD card to customers.