Saturday, October 9, 2010

Only Temporary Root Is Available For Tmobile G2

T-mobile G2

Temporary Rooting on Tmobile G2

I just posted Tmobile G2 root tutorial in few days ago.For that instruction,it's only temporary root and you can't reboot your Tmobile G2 if you don't want to root your phone again.If you think the method of rooting is the reason for reboot problem,today Tmobile has confirmed - with security in Tmobile G2,you can only allow to temporary rooting.See what Tmobile says :

“As pioneers in Android-powered mobile devices, T-Mobile and HTC strive to support innovation. The T-Mobile G2 is a powerful and highly customizable Android-powered smartphone, which customers can personalize and make their own, from the look of their home screen to adding their favorite applications and more.

The HTC software implementation on the G2 stores some components in read-only memory as a security measure to prevent key operating system software from becoming corrupted and rendering the device inoperable. There is a small subset of highly technical users who may want to modify and re-engineer their devices at the code level, known as “rooting,” but a side effect of HTC’s security measure is that these modifications are temporary and cannot be saved to permanent memory. As a result the original code is restored.”

The rooting world for Android device seems to be fading,first Motorola released security features for lock bootloaders and now Tmobile G2 with temporary rooting.I'm hopeful Android Hacker will found the way to do with security measure and how to get permanent rooting back again.